LASER World of Quantum Presentation

Jasper Rödiger (Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity) and Imran Khan (KEEQuant) had the chance to present the SEQRET project during the quantum communication application panel at LASER World of PHOTONICS / World of QUANTUM. Thank you all for coming! The focus of the SEQRET project within EuroQCI will be on industrialization, scalability and certifiability of QKD. […]
PETRUS Meeting Brussels

We spent a great day at the European Commission’s offices attending the EuroQCI (European Quantum Communication Infrastructure) project’s kickoff. All 26 national testbed projects were showcasing their plans for the first round of testbeds. The 5 industrial projects‘ representatives presented their ways of improving QKD technology from EU-27. In this group, KEEQuant is coordinating the […]
SEQRET Consortium Kick-Off

We kicked off the SEQRET project in Fürth, Germany at KEEQuant’s offices in a two-day meeting, packed with discussions on different topics. We started by discussing the requirements on QKD devices from a network operator’s perspective. This reflects the principle idea of the project to build a QKD device that can be commercially viable. After […]